Thursday, December 30, 2010

They are just different

Last June holiday, we signed Jiaheng and Yixuan up for a Children Yoga class at our nearby CC. They enjoyed it and requested for another session this holiday.

Today is the first lesson, it is real interesting watching them do the different Yoga poses. Especially Yixuan, who on one hand wanted to do the difficult poses like the other older children in the class while doing her best to balance.

When the class was dismissed, the children swarmed out of the classroom. But Jiaheng and Yixuan was no where in sight. I peeped into the class and upon seeing me, Yixuan ran forward and very enthusiastically explained why they were still in class. Apparently, the other children can't wait to leave after class was dismissed and randomly threw the yoga mat at the mat corner. As a result, the whole pile of mat collapsed. Jiaheng and Yixuan stayed behind to help tidy up.

As I approached the kids and the Yoga teacher who were tidying up the area, the teacher commented affectionately "They are just different". I am so proud of my 2 children.

----- posted by Mommy

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Comic Reliefs

Our daughter brings so much joy and laughter to our family.

On days that we are down, we just need to recall some thing she said or some actions she made and that will naturally bring a smile to our faces.

Just to share some comical moments of her...

Monday Morning - at the dining table
Papa just brought a metal container with two half-boiled eggs in it from the kitchen. Laid the metal container on the table and asked "Who wants half-BOILED eggs?" And of course Jiaheng will be eagerly waving his hand.

Then Yixuan asked "What about half-GIRL egg?" At this moment, you can literally see question mark shooting off Papa's head. (like those you see from comics when the cartoon character is simply clueless to what is happening)

And the mystery is solved when Yixuan continued "I only want half-GIRL egg, don't want half-BOY egg"

Ha Ha Ha... Oh man!

Wednesday Evening - at Grandma's home
Grandma has the habit of offering incense to the Buddha in the evening. Yixuan volunteered to help. After seeing Grandma does it so many times, Yixuan also knew the protocol. So she took over the joss sticks, and started mumbling something.

Well, if you listen close enough, you will understand what she is saying... "Please bless my gor gor so that he will be a good boy, bless my ma ma so that she will be a good girl, bless my papa so that he will be a good boy, bless my gong gong ...."

The chanting repeated itself and went on till she covered all family members. Finally satisfied, Yixuan handed over the joss stick to Grandma.

Of course, Grandma is so proud of her granddaughter for having done such a good job (thumbs up). This is clearly evident from the smile on Grandma face. Just when Grandma is about the place the joss stick in the holder, Yixuan shouted out "Thank you, GOD"

Oops! she must have been confused between the GOD in her school church and the "GOD" that Grandma worships to.

In response to Yixuan's unexpected last statement, Grandma immediately chanted and asked for Buddha's forgiveness for what the little girl said while choking on her own laughter.

That's how comical our girl can be. :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sweet nothings...

While sitting next to me on the sofa this evening, Jiaheng was making this "Uh hmm" sound (like clearing throat). I asked him not to do it and then why is he doing it?

Then he said "There is something stuck in my throat, and its Mama, I want to digest you so that you can go into my heart and i will always remember Mama."


The other day, while Kai Hock was chatting with him. Kai Hock mentioned something like "next time your wife will laugh at you if you keep doing this". Can't really catch their conversation, but definitely can hear what Jiaheng's reply was. He said "I don't want a wife, I only want Papa and Mama".

So so sweet....

----------- posted by Mommy

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jiaheng's Newest Goals

Jiaheng sets many goals for himself.

He has a goal for his Mental-Arithmetic. It is 1st May 2011, I am a 1 Dan-Level student.

His newest goal as of 9:57pm, 13 June 2010, is as follows:

This is my goal.

I want to play golf at the age of 8. And I want to be a PRO when I am age 10. When I am a PRO, I will like to go to 3 places.

The first place is St. Andrews, Scotland. The second place is Augusta National, USA, which has the famous Amen Corner. The Amen corner consist of three of the hardest holes on the course. The third place is Pebble Beach, USA, where Tiger Woods won the record breaking of 15 shots!


By the way, he got inspired after reading a book on Golfing which he borrowed from the library. Well, Kai Hock and I don't play golf. So we got to rely on his uncle to do that for us. hmm... I hope my bro will get the hint. :)

-------------posted by Mommy

Friday, May 28, 2010

Family Team

I was with my wife at the Hong Kong Convention just last weekend. We were there for 3 days. It is amazing how strong the partnership can be when it comes to a family team.

We saw husband-wife team, father-son team, mother-son team, brother-sister team. It is so motivating and touching to see family members succeed together. When the family has a common goal, the bonding and drive is doubly strong.

Nothing beats the support coming from your family members. In times of weakness, it is always support from family that gives me the strength. In times of doubt, it is always the support from family that gives me the clarity and direction.

I am grateful that my wife is with me in the business. I am grateful that my sister is with me in the business. We are all working towards our Freedom. The feeling is great.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

I will go wherever you go

I love holding Jiaheng's hand. He likes it too. Sometimes, he likes my hand to fully engulf his hand. Sometimes, he likes to interlock our fingers.

That day, while holding his hand, I observed that it has grown much bigger. The fingers have grown longer. The palm has grown fuller. Upon comparing his hand with mine, I made a comment saying that his hand used to be so tiny in mine. Now, it is nearly going to be as big as mine.

Then he commented... "Yar mummy, now you hold my hand. When I grow up, my hand will be bigger than yours and it will be my turn to hold your hand and bring you around. Where do you want to go next time?"

I replied, "I will go wherever you go, Jiaheng."

And not expecting this reply... "Mummy, then you must be prepared to take lots of bus. I will bring you to many places on my bus".

Oh yes, my boy wants to be a bus captain when he grows up. So, we can "travel the world" on his bus :)

Saturday, May 01, 2010



他们不会刻意压抑自己的情绪,喜怒哀乐完全表露无疑。想说的话就说出口, 也不会修饰用词。喜欢就是喜欢,不喜欢就是不喜欢。

开心就是开心,能大声地开怀大笑。甚至能笑到从椅子上摔下。伤心时,大滴大滴的眼泪从脸颊滑落, 一点都不吝啬。

今天早上,老公买了早餐回来,顺手就放在餐桌。虽然女儿已经点了她爱吃的素包, 可是一看见老公买的油条,整个脸都亮起来。眼睛睁得大大地,双臂长得开开地。很自然就一边跑,一边兴奋地高声叫到“油条,油条,有油条”!好像是碰到失散多年的朋友般的开心。




Thursday, January 07, 2010

Jiaheng just sums it all

If you ask me how has Jiaheng's experience in school been? How is he coping...

Well, I think it cannot beat the thoughts coming from the horse's mouth isn't it?


In his own words:

End of Day 1 - upon seeing him after school dismissal
"Mommy, I like Mrs Kwok 85%, the lady parent helper 10%, the uncle helper 5%. All in all, I like school 100%"

End of Day 1 - before he closes his eyes at bedtime
"Mommy, school is easier than I thought"

End of Day 2 - upon reaching home
"Mommy, my VP is very strict but my P is very fun!"

End of Day 3 - upon reaching home
"Mommy, the Art teacher is very strict! But I like it."

So all in all, I think Jiaheng has seized up his school happening pretty well and I know he has done well!

------------ posted by Mommy

Monday, January 04, 2010


听人说某某人想“望子成龙” 还是想 “望女成凤”。 虽然听起来有一种莫名的压力,但这还不是为人父母的心愿吗? 有哪个父母不想子女出人头地, 做个有才华又有用的人呢?

可我家的家亨却是 “望妹成凤”! 看起来儿子是比我跟老公还着急呢。

今天他从珠心算班回来就迫不及待地将他买给妹妹的礼物拿出来。还以为他会买些什么饰品还是什么玩具, 没想到尽是两张贴在墙壁上的学习海报!哎哟。。。真丢人, 我这个妈妈也太肤浅了,只想着买玩的东西。该好好检讨检讨自己了。

家亨兴致勃勃地拉着妹妹, 要教妹妹数字。一张海报是数1 到100 的那种, 另一张是乘法表。家亨啊,你是不是野心大了些?只见他拿着妹妹的手指一个一个数字的指着,一边指,一边读,像极了小老师。只可惜,还念不到20,妹妹就没耐性了。

家亨还不气馁,还一直念着 “来妹妹来,哥哥教你。你不要哥哥教你吗? 来来。。。” 妹妹只是一味使出她的杀手锏。。。那 super innocent 的笑脸,然后躲开哥哥的 “追踪”。看了不知道是好气还是好笑。

家亨,你要加油哦。。。不要放弃你的 “不可能” 任务。我代妹妹谢谢你的一番好意了。

----- posted by Mommy

A Dream Fulfilled

When I was still a teacher, I often felt sad when school reopens. Not because that is when I have to start work but I feel sad that I cannot be there with my son when his turn for his 1st day of school comes.

It is very heart-wrenching even thinking about it. The thought that I cannot be there to prepare him for school, to send him to school, to see him in action at school...

In my mind, I kept thinking that I have to be here at my own school with other people's children but not mine. I know it is an obligation, it is my duty as teacher but it just saddens me.

Being with Jiaheng on his 1st day in school is like a dream that cannot be fulfilled.

Well, today, I am very happy to say I have achieved my dream! I actually did everything that I dreamed of doing. From the preparation for school to the 1st waffle bought at the canteen! I am just thrilled. The fact that I am enjoying time freedom is just so satisfying! And all these cannot be possible if not for my ever encouraging and supportive husband.

I am so happy. :)

------------ posted by Mommy