Thursday, January 07, 2010

Jiaheng just sums it all

If you ask me how has Jiaheng's experience in school been? How is he coping...

Well, I think it cannot beat the thoughts coming from the horse's mouth isn't it?


In his own words:

End of Day 1 - upon seeing him after school dismissal
"Mommy, I like Mrs Kwok 85%, the lady parent helper 10%, the uncle helper 5%. All in all, I like school 100%"

End of Day 1 - before he closes his eyes at bedtime
"Mommy, school is easier than I thought"

End of Day 2 - upon reaching home
"Mommy, my VP is very strict but my P is very fun!"

End of Day 3 - upon reaching home
"Mommy, the Art teacher is very strict! But I like it."

So all in all, I think Jiaheng has seized up his school happening pretty well and I know he has done well!

------------ posted by Mommy

Monday, January 04, 2010


听人说某某人想“望子成龙” 还是想 “望女成凤”。 虽然听起来有一种莫名的压力,但这还不是为人父母的心愿吗? 有哪个父母不想子女出人头地, 做个有才华又有用的人呢?

可我家的家亨却是 “望妹成凤”! 看起来儿子是比我跟老公还着急呢。

今天他从珠心算班回来就迫不及待地将他买给妹妹的礼物拿出来。还以为他会买些什么饰品还是什么玩具, 没想到尽是两张贴在墙壁上的学习海报!哎哟。。。真丢人, 我这个妈妈也太肤浅了,只想着买玩的东西。该好好检讨检讨自己了。

家亨兴致勃勃地拉着妹妹, 要教妹妹数字。一张海报是数1 到100 的那种, 另一张是乘法表。家亨啊,你是不是野心大了些?只见他拿着妹妹的手指一个一个数字的指着,一边指,一边读,像极了小老师。只可惜,还念不到20,妹妹就没耐性了。

家亨还不气馁,还一直念着 “来妹妹来,哥哥教你。你不要哥哥教你吗? 来来。。。” 妹妹只是一味使出她的杀手锏。。。那 super innocent 的笑脸,然后躲开哥哥的 “追踪”。看了不知道是好气还是好笑。

家亨,你要加油哦。。。不要放弃你的 “不可能” 任务。我代妹妹谢谢你的一番好意了。

----- posted by Mommy

A Dream Fulfilled

When I was still a teacher, I often felt sad when school reopens. Not because that is when I have to start work but I feel sad that I cannot be there with my son when his turn for his 1st day of school comes.

It is very heart-wrenching even thinking about it. The thought that I cannot be there to prepare him for school, to send him to school, to see him in action at school...

In my mind, I kept thinking that I have to be here at my own school with other people's children but not mine. I know it is an obligation, it is my duty as teacher but it just saddens me.

Being with Jiaheng on his 1st day in school is like a dream that cannot be fulfilled.

Well, today, I am very happy to say I have achieved my dream! I actually did everything that I dreamed of doing. From the preparation for school to the 1st waffle bought at the canteen! I am just thrilled. The fact that I am enjoying time freedom is just so satisfying! And all these cannot be possible if not for my ever encouraging and supportive husband.

I am so happy. :)

------------ posted by Mommy