Friday, June 05, 2009

Reaping the fruits

We started Jiaheng on his Money Jars when he was younger and kept encouraging him to keep this good habit of money management.

We even increased his allowance from $1 a day to $1.50 when he turned six. (inflation, you know? ^^) In fact, he has been using money from his NESS (Necessity) jar to pay for his school's excursion fees and even his Yakult-Milk scheme in school.

Today is Kai Hock's birthday and Jiaheng very generously decided to use his NESS funds to buy Papa a birthday cake. After counting the coins for a good 20-mins, he handed me a big pile of coins to exchange for two $10 bills. Coupled with another $10 bills in the jar, Jiaheng said that he will like to get a $30 cake for Papa.

It is one whole month of savings for him. Everyday, without fail, he will recite his Dizigui by himself and then ask for his $1.50 savings ($1 in NESS , $0.30 in FFA , $0.20 in GIVE)

Now it is time to reap the fruits :) Keep up the persistency and consistency. Mommy knows that they will serve you well when you grow up.

---- posted by Mommy

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