Monday, April 20, 2009

Specially for you... a Zoo Membership

When Jiaheng was younger, we will go to the Zoo once every 2 or 3 weeks. We will only target a particular area to explore and then go back another day to explore other parts of the Zoo. And of course, we hold the "Friends of the Zoo" membership.

But for Yixuan, we seem to have more and more activities occupying us during the weekends. So much so that we only brought Yixuan to the Zoo once since birth. Kai Hock has been harping on how "pathetic" his girl was to only go to the Zoo once ... and that she only saw 2D images of animals and not 3D ... and that how happy she will be to see the animals live. So I finally decided to apply for a Zoo Membership specially for Yixuan.

Aiyoh, Yixuan simply refuses to smile at the Uncle holding the camera. Every time, the Uncle says "cheese", she will purposely clamp her mouth together. Once the Uncle puts down the camera, she will break into a big wide smile. She kept repeating her trick throughout the 3 or 4 shots we attempted.

Even the Auntie at the application counter was so amused by Yixuan's action that she has to place her palm over her mouth to stop herself from laughing out.

Aaargh! We had no choice but to settle for this "best" shot for the Zoo card.

Well, although this little girl has close to no on-site experience at the Zoo, she definitely has high expectations of what she wants to see at the Zoo. One moment its "Meerkat", the next moment she wants "Armadillo". (thanks to the animal picture cards we have been showing her)

Aiyoh, girl, Singapore Zoo tak ada have Armadillo hor. Meerkat also not even shown on the map leh. Can ask for more common ones or not?

Guess the most amusing part is to see her imitate her GeGe holding the Zoo map and walk about, as if she really knows how to read the map. No worries, little girl, we will definitely bring you to the Zoo more often... especially after we have invested so much on the Zoo membership. :P

---- posted by Mommy

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