Thursday, January 07, 2010

Jiaheng just sums it all

If you ask me how has Jiaheng's experience in school been? How is he coping...

Well, I think it cannot beat the thoughts coming from the horse's mouth isn't it?


In his own words:

End of Day 1 - upon seeing him after school dismissal
"Mommy, I like Mrs Kwok 85%, the lady parent helper 10%, the uncle helper 5%. All in all, I like school 100%"

End of Day 1 - before he closes his eyes at bedtime
"Mommy, school is easier than I thought"

End of Day 2 - upon reaching home
"Mommy, my VP is very strict but my P is very fun!"

End of Day 3 - upon reaching home
"Mommy, the Art teacher is very strict! But I like it."

So all in all, I think Jiaheng has seized up his school happening pretty well and I know he has done well!

------------ posted by Mommy

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