Sunday, August 12, 2007

Goal Setting Works... results are in

Hey! We are proud to announce that Jiaheng has finished reading 100 books today. And he proudly read the statement printed on the reward chart that says "Yeh! I have finished reading 100 books."

And for his reward, we gave him a watch. The previous watch was left in his pocket and ended up in the washing machine. :P From his look, we can see he likes his watch.

Jiaheng requested for another goal, i.e. to print another reward chart with another 100 empty boxes so that he can finish reading 200 books. Goal setting really works for him and has pushed him to greater heights. We are very happy with the results.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dear KH, lovely to read about your 2 great kids! Yes goal setting is most important in preparting them for the real world and life in general..little children may not know how to prioritise/goad set and adults may have to lead gently. I alluded to 'descriptive praise' being more important than 'evaluative praise' in that the former recognises the process of attaining success and encouraging the attempt..whereas the latter only celebrates the achievement..sometimes, the journey is much more important than the destination. Akin to USANA, apart from rank advancement and monetary rewards, the 'journey' to these 'ends' entail character strengthening, bond building, handling success/failure..and building networks for life..till next! Jen, USANA Gold Director and MD and learning more day by day!
